5th August 2016

Common Mistakes People Make When Brushing Their Teeth

Everyone knows that good dental hygiene is important to the overall state of one’s oral health, but few actually follow the proper tooth brushing practices. Some people get lazy with their tooth brushing routine over time, but even those with the best intentions may be making common mistakes which could lead to yellowed and unhealthy teeth. In order to keep your smile bright and healthy read on to learn what tooth brushing mistakes, you may be unknowingly committing.

1.Brushing too hard
When running late in the morning, some people think they can rush through their tooth brushing routine by brushing extra hard and fast, but in reality, this can cause serious damage to your teeth and gums. Brushing too abrasively can damage your tooth enamel, a protective layer of tissue on the outside of your teeth, as well as cause gum inflammation which can lead to gingivitis. You should always use a toothbrush with soft to medium bristles and brush your teeth gently and thoroughly, even on those days when you are in a hurry—your teeth will thank you in the long run. Plus, dentists recommend that you brush your teeth for at least two minutes each time in order to maintain oral hygiene, so you may want to ease up on the elbow grease.

2.Forgetting to Floss
Flossing really is an important step in tooth brushing which many people overlook. When you eat, food can get lodged in the cracks of your teeth and cause cavities and yellowing over time if you do not floss regularly. Flossing is also an important step in removing unwanted bacteria from your mouth that could cause gum disease and other dental health complications. You’ve probably heard your dentist tell you that you should floss daily, and they don’t just say it for fun—including flossing in your nightly oral hygiene routine can help you keep your smile bright and healthy.

3.Brushing after you eat
This mistake is made by even the most dedicated tooth brushers, but brushing your teeth right after you eat is actually not the best dental hygiene practice. In the morning many are rushing to get out of the door, so it is not always easy to wait the dentist-recommended 30 minutes after you eat to brush your teeth; but if you want a bright and healthy smile, waiting the extra half hour can make a big difference. When you eat, acidic foods and drinks can soften your tooth enamel and alter your mouth’s pH balance. Waiting half an hour after you eat to brush your teeth, and digesting more food and beverages with alkaline, such as milk, is better for your dental health. So next time you fancy a midnight snake, ask yourself if you are ready to wait half an hour to brush your teeth afterward to protect your brilliant smile.

By following proper brushing practices and avoiding these common mistakes, you can proudly show off your brilliant smile knowing that your teeth are clean and healthy.

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