6th May 2022

Is It Possible To Have Invisalign With Missing Teeth?

Invisalign is considered one of the most popular treatments with our patients for straightening their teeth. However, if you have a missing tooth you may be wondering whether it’s possible to have Invisalign with missing teeth? The short answer is yes! It’s usually better to replace your missing tooth after your treatment though.

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Invisalign with missing teeth

Patients can be extremely conscious when they experience a missing tooth. Restoring the tooth can bring great confidence and improve self-esteem and thankfully there are several tooth-restoring options available in dentistry today; dental implants, crowns, denture implants and bridgework.

It’s ideal to consider this type of treatment after Invisalign treatment, however. This is because when your tooth is missing, this can cause the teeth around the gap to compensate for missing teeth and shift. This can be more prevalent when the tooth has been missing for some time. This can result in crooked teeth and not enough room where the tooth can be replaced.

By having Invisalign with missing teeth, it can help to move the teeth around the gap into the right positions. Additional to this, if the teeth aren’t aligned properly it may require more future dental work such as fillings or crowns fitted. This is because it is more difficult to care for teeth as bacteria can grow in the gaps when the teeth aren’t properly aligned.

Complications of having Invisalign with a missing tooth

In some cases, there are still complications that could come with having Invisalign with missing teeth. If the tooth is missing as a result of gum disease, it’s likely the gum and bone tissue around the teeth won’t be healthy. The teeth require time to rebuild themselves so they don’t move and in order for Invisalign treatment to be successful, gums and teeth need to be as healthy as possible. At Dental Solutions we have a team of hygienists who can ensure that your smile is healthy prior to any orthodontic and tooth replacement treatment.

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After your Invisalign treatment

Once your Invisalign treatment is successful, this provides opportunity to restore your tooth. There various options to do this include bridges, dentures, dental implants or partial dentures. It’s also important that you continue to wear your retainers after your Invisalign treatment to prevent the teeth from moving and help them to stabilise in their new position.

Invisalign treatment at Dental Solutions

If you’re considering having Invisalign treatment and are unsure whether you’d be an ideal candidate for Invisalign with missing teeth, feel free to contact us to arrange a consultation. We’ll be able to examine your teeth and gain a better understanding of whether you’re suitable for treatment.

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